Albert Field -- Founder of the Salvador Dali Archives
With the written permission and enthusiastic support of Salvador Dali, Albert Field founded The Salvador Dali Archives in 1956 and remained its Director up until his death in 2003.
In the course of his research, Mr. Field made more than forty trips to Europe, and two to Japan, visiting museums and private homes in thirteen countries.
He assisted in the preparations of Dali exhibitions in New York, Montreal, Paris, Stuttgart, Zurich, Tokyo, Barcelona and Madrid.
Before the Artist's death, Mr. Field maintained frequent contact with Dali, at his home in Spain, and in New York and Paris.
Albert Field appeared on Canadian television, on CBS's program, "Sixty Minutes", and in several documentary films on Dali's life.
As the recognized authority on Salvador Dali, Mr. Field translated original articles by Dalí for publication in books and magazines, and wrote on the art of Dalí. He is the author of: "The Official Catalog of the Graphic Works of Salvador Dali."
During his lifetime, Mr. Field assisted in eighteen government investigations of possible art fraud and testified, as an expert on Salvador Dali, in several court cases. Over the years, many museums and galleries have referred owners of Dalí works to The Salvador Dali Archives.
For more information on the life of Albert Field click here.

Albert Field
"We owe a debt to Albert Field for his persistence in categorizing, organizing, and de-confusing confusion...." - A. Reynolds Morse, the Dali Museum, St. Petersburg, Florida