Albert Field, founder
Founder of the Salvador Dali Archives
With the written permission and enthusiastic support of Salvador Dali, Albert Field founded The Salvador Dali Archives in 1956 and remained its Director up until his death in 2003.

Frank Hunter, director
Director of the Salvador Dali Archives
Frank Hunter is the President and CEO of the New York based Salvador Dali Archives Ltd. The Archives, established in 1956 with the approval and cooperation of the Spanish surrealist artist, Salvador Dali (1904-1989), was founded by Albert Field (1916-2003).

Our Publications, catalog
The Official Catalog of the Graphic Works of Salvador Dali -
This is the most comprehensive catalog of Dali's graphic works ever published - lavishly illustrated (over 1,900 illustrations), it covers all known prints in all media - lithograph, intaglio, etc. (Published in 1996)
