Frank Hunter -- Director of the Salvador Dali Archives
FRANK HUNTER is the President and CEO of the New York based Salvador Dali Archives Ltd.
Today, the Archives is a private repository of information about the life and works of Salvador Dali; materials include authentic limited edition prints, examples of forged prints and drawings, books by and about the artist, exhibition catalogs, posters, manuscripts, and video footage.
Summary and highlights of experience:
Albert Field, Salvador Dali expert, founder of the Salvador Dali Archives Ltd., and author of the Official Catalog of the Graphic Works of Salvador Dali, first introduced Frank Hunter to Salvador Dali in 1968. Subsequently, Hunter:
- Commissioned the artist to create a limited edition etching.
- Published a Dali print portfolio.
- Witnessed Dali personally sign hundreds of graphic works.
- Witnessed Dali create original works of art.
- Witnessed Dali create and sign dedicatory works. For Albert Field and himself.
- Mentored under the tutelage of Albert Field.
- Examined thousands of art works by Dali.
- Assisted with the publication of The Offical Catelog of Graphic Works of Salvador Dali.
- Assisted in compiling materials for Dali exhibitions.
- Lectured on Dali graphic works at Christie's New York and various exhibitions in the U.S. and abroad.
- Provided opinions of authenticity for law enforcement agencies.
- Provided opinions of authenticity to individuals, companies, galleries and auction houses.
- Appointed to Dali exhibition committee.
- Awarded "Order of Salvador" by the Salvador Dali Museum.
- Gave testimony in Dali case.
- 2009: Salvador Dali's Purloined Imagery. Short article on Dali imagery used in production of illicit print edition.
- 2000: Surrealism: A Cross Cultural Perspective. September 2000 through January 2001, Nassau County Museum of Art (NY). Authored the catalog introduction for the exhibition; assisted in compiling Salvador Dali works for loan to the exhibition.
- 1995: "Official Catalog of the Graphic Works of Salvador Dali" (Salvador Dalí Archives, Astoria, New York, 1996.) Assisted the recognized Dali expert, Albert Field, in the preparation of this catalogue raisonné of Dali's graphic (print) works.
- 1973: "To Ev'ry Captive Soul" (Published jointly with the Salvador Dali Archives) Commissioned Dali to create a portfolio print edition, as well as a single print edition based on a sonnet by Dante Alighieri from his La Vita Nuova.
Consultation, conferences, lectures, interviews
- 2010: Court Qualified Expert Witness in the U. S. District Court, Eastern District of Michigan.
- 2008: Lecturer - William Bennett Gallery, New York City (NY). "100 Rare Dali Works."
- 2008: Lecturer - Onessimo Gallery, Palm Beach Gardens (FL) – "Dali's Print Editions."
- 2004: Interview - Biography: Salvador Dali. Interviewed by Gabriella Polletta for a documentary film on the life and works of Salvador Dali; produced for, and broadcast on A & E (Arts and Entertainment) channel.
- 2000 / 2003: Lecturer - Christie's Education, New York City (NY). Lectured to students in the Master's classes on Salvador Dali's graphic works, with particular emphasis placed on the plethora of fraudulent imagery on the market.
Honors and Awards
- 2006: Salvador Dali Museum, St. Petersburgh, Florida – Invested into the "Order of Salvador."
- 2003: Queens Museum of Art, New York City - Salvador Dali: Dream of Venus - June, 2003 through September, 2003. Honorary Member of the Exhibition Committee.

Frank Hunter
FRANK HUNTER is the President and CEO of the New York based Salvador Dali Archives Ltd., established in 1953 with the approval and cooperation of the Spanish surrealist artist, Salvador Dali, and founded by Albert Field (1916-2003).